Welcome to November, Midlife Mamas! 🍂 Embracing Gratitude in a Season of Change

🍂 What if gratitude could be the key to unlocking deeper peace, joy, and resilience in your daily life? 🍂

Hey Reader,

Happy November—the month where we slow down, pause, reflect, and immerse ourselves in gratitude! 🍁 It’s a powerful season of change, especially for us midlife mamas, and I can’t think of a better time to deepen our practice of gratitude.

Gratitude in This Season of Change--> This time of year reminds us to look inward and celebrate the abundance in our lives. Gratitude isn’t just about acknowledging what we have; it’s also a transformative tool that shifts our focus from what’s missing to what’s truly meaningful. Here are a few simple, tactile ways to weave gratitude into your daily routine:

Gratitude Journal: Each morning, jot down three things you’re grateful for—big or small. Let this habit set a positive tone for your day.

Mindful Breath Breaks: Take 2-3 mindful, slow breaths throughout the day, and as you exhale, think of one thing that brings you joy. Let it be a grounding moment to connect to the present.

Body Gratitude: Take a moment to thank your body for all it does. Feel into where you’re carrying tension and release it with each breath. This can be especially powerful for staying connected during this busy season.

A Special Episode for You This week, I had a beautiful conversation on the podcast with Rosa, a compassionate lightworker who specializes in somatic healing and neo-emotional release. In S6 E82- Emotional Healing for Midlife Women with Rosa: Somatic & Neo-Emotional Release, we explore the deep connection between our bodies and emotions. Rosa shares practical tools to help you reconnect with your body, release stored emotions, and build resilience. This episode is full of heart centered wisdom, and I’d love for you to give it a listen as part of your gratitude practice this month. Take a listen and then hit reply to let me know what resonated with you! :)

Here’s to a November filled with gratitude, presence, and joy. Let’s lean into the beauty of this season together. ❤️

With all my gratitude, Robin

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, , WA 98104-2205
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Live Life Balanced with Robin

Hi, I’m Robin, your holistic health coach! I help moms create healthier homes and lives for their families by learning to become an ingredient detective-ditching harmful ingredients, reducing your toxic burden load, and embracing holistic wellness. Oh and don't forget learning how to create amazing self care practices so you can show up your best!! Using my 1% Shift Method, I meet you exactly where you are, empowering you to make small, sustainable changes that lead to big, lasting transformations. From nourishing meals to mindful self-care, I can’t wait to walk this beautiful road with you.

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