Unlock the Power of 1%Shifts: Breast Cancer Prevention Series

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Did you know? “Fragrance” on a label often hides harmful chemicals linked to hormone disruption and some types of cancer.

Hey Reader,

Are you ready to make your home safer and protect your health, one product at a time?

In Episodes 79 and 80 on the Healthy Habits for Mid Life Mamas Podcast, I teamed up with Sharon to talk about common, everyday toxins hiding in personal care and cleaning products—many of which have strong links to breast cancer and other disease. This is part of our breast cancer prevention series, and we're diving deep to help you take proactive steps.

Here’s a sneak peek of what we covered:

  1. Personal Care Products – Discover safe swaps for deodorants, lotions, toothpaste, makeup, and why it’s crucial to start with simple changes, especially in key areas like the head, underarms, and groin. We also touch on how natural skincare options, like coconut oil and retinol alternatives, can be life-changing for both skin health and your peace of mind.
  2. Cleaning Products – From the hidden dangers in ‘fragrance’ to toxic chemicals like phthalates, triclosan, and formaldehyde, we break down why even household cleaning items should be carefully selected. We share simple swaps and essential oil tips that keep the air and surfaces in your home clean—without the hidden risks.
  3. Resources to Help You on This Journey – We’ve vetted products and brands for safe, non-toxic options and included these in our Non-Toxic Living Guide to make your next shopping trip easy and worry-free! Also use the apps to learn too.

Take a step towards a healthier, cleaner home – click below to listen to these episodes and grab your Non-Toxic Living Guide. 🌱 Every small swap can be life-changing!

Listen Now

Episode 79 (personal care products) SPOTIFY

Episode 80 (cleaning products): SPOTIFY

Download the Guide: Click to Download Your Guide

If you’re ready to make changes or just want to learn more, book a discovery call, join the conversation in the FB Group! In this safe, non-judgmental space, we chat about everything wellness—from personal product swaps to home cleaning tips. Connect with other midlife mamas on the same journey!

Looking forward to hearing how these small shifts make a difference in your life, Robin

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, , WA 98104-2205
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Live Life Balanced with Robin

Hi, I’m Robin, your holistic health coach! I help moms create healthier homes and lives for their families by learning to become an ingredient detective-ditching harmful ingredients, reducing your toxic burden load, and embracing holistic wellness. Oh and don't forget learning how to create amazing self care practices so you can show up your best!! Using my 1% Shift Method, I meet you exactly where you are, empowering you to make small, sustainable changes that lead to big, lasting transformations. From nourishing meals to mindful self-care, I can’t wait to walk this beautiful road with you.

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