Big News About Red Dye No. 3 + An Exciting New Podcast Episode!

Happy Friday Reader,

It was an exciting week on the Food Front! On January 15, 2025, the FDA officially banned Red Dye No. 3 (erythrosine) from the nation's food supply! This synthetic dye, derived from petroleum, has been used in foods and drinks to create that bright cherry-red color since 1907. However, the FDA cited potential cancer risks as the reason for the ban, specifically linking the dye to cancer in laboratory animals. Food brands will have until January 2027 and Medication companies have until 2028 to remove Red Dye No. 3 from their products.

Until then READ your INGREDIENTS to avoid!

In 1990, Red Dye No. 3 was prohibited from use in cosmetics and topical drugs, but was still allowed in food & medicines. It has been 35 years of trying to get the FDA to create the ban. You might be asking why now. It was driven by petitions from organizations like the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), California’s upcoming state-wide ban & more MAHA mamas like us getting educated and demanding change!

Red Dye No. 3 is commonly found in candies, beverages, baked goods, maraschino cherries, and even some processed meats. Here are a few examples:

  • Candy: Skittles, M&Ms, Starburst, gummy bears, and Red Hots.
  • Beverages: Sodas, fruit drinks, and energy drinks.
  • Baked Goods: Frosting, cake mixes (like red velvet), pastries, and some cereals.

While this is a huge win for our health, it’s just the beginning. Let’s keep the momentum going by sharing with your loved ones and becoming an ingredient detective! We still have other synthetic dyes to get banned so we need everyone sharing the knowledge. This will have a huge impact on not only our children's health but adults are effected too!

Click here to see the full information from the FDA.

Podcast Alert: Season 7, Episode 88
This week’s podcast episode features an incredible interview with Brandon and Whitney, the producers of To Dye For: The Documentary. We dive into their inspiring journey with their son, raising awareness about food dyes and the impact these additives have on our health. You’re going to love hearing their passion and mission for a cleaner, healthier future.

Reserve Your Seat for To Dye For: The Documentary
Speaking of the documentary, if you haven’t grabbed your ticket yet, now’s the time! Don’t miss out on this eye-opening film. Reserve your seat here before they’re gone: Click to reserve your free ticket.

Let’s celebrate this victory together while continuing to advocate for healthier, more informed choices in our food system. Here’s to making those small 1% shifts that lead to big transformations!

If you are not local you can now rent or buy the film! YAY.... Watch To Dye For.

With love and health,

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, , WA 98104-2205
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Live Life Balanced with Robin

Hi, I’m Robin, your holistic health coach! I help moms create healthier homes and lives for their families by learning to become an ingredient detective-ditching harmful ingredients, reducing your toxic burden load, and embracing holistic wellness. Oh and don't forget learning how to create amazing self care practices so you can show up your best!! Using my 1% Shift Method, I meet you exactly where you are, empowering you to make small, sustainable changes that lead to big, lasting transformations. From nourishing meals to mindful self-care, I can’t wait to walk this beautiful road with you.

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